
Termini e condizioni d'uso

Le presenti condizioni generali di utilizzo (di seguito denominate "CGU ") sono stipulate tra Altaroc Partners SA, con sede in 61 rue Belles Feuilles, 75016, Parigi (di seguito denominata Altaroc Partners " o "noi ") e i consulenti di gestione patrimoniale, i dipendenti di banche private e gli investitori sofisticati (di seguito denominati insieme "Utenti ") che navigano sul sito gestito da Altaroc Partners (di seguito denominato "Sito ").

Altaroc Partners e gli Utenti saranno di seguito indicati congiuntamente come "le Parti ".

L'annullamento di una clausola delle CGU non pregiudica la validità delle CGU nel loro complesso.

1.Scopo del GCU

Lo scopo delle CGU è quello di definire le condizioni di utilizzo del Sito da parte degli Utenti e di disciplinare il rapporto tra Altaroc Partners e gli Utenti.

Di conseguenza, qualsiasi Utente che desideri utilizzare il Sito, visitare le sue varie pagine e beneficiare dei suoi contenuti (come definiti di seguito) deve prima leggere e accettare le CGU nella loro interezza. Raccomandiamo agli Utenti di interrompere la navigazione sul nostro Sito se non le accettano.

In ogni caso, l'accesso e la navigazione nel Sito o in qualsiasi sua parte implica l'accettazione integrale e senza riserve da parte dell'Utente delle presenti CGU.

Il fatto che una delle Parti non invochi una delle disposizioni delle presenti CGU in un determinato momento non può essere interpretato come una rinuncia al diritto di invocarla in un momento successivo.

L'annullamento di una clausola delle presenti CGU non pregiudica la validità delle CGU nel loro complesso.

2 Connessione al sito/Navigazione

Per utilizzare il Sito, l'Utente si collega al seguente indirizzo URL:

L'accesso al Sito e alle sue varie pagine non è subordinato alla creazione di un account utente.

3 Presentazione del sito

Lo scopo del Sito è quello di presentare agli Utenti :

  1. Il private equity, la sua performance, i rischi e l'approccio strategico di ALTAROC.
  2. I fondi di investimento vintage offerti da Altaroc Partners, compresi gli importi gestiti e le aziende sostenute.
  3. Vi vengono presentati anche i team responsabili del Sito, il nostro sponsor e la nostra società di gestione.

Una sezione del Sito è dedicata a rispondere alle domande frequenti degli Utenti e dei (futuri) investitori, in particolare sui flussi di cassa e sulla fiscalità.

Una pagina dedicata del sito fornisce notizie sulle operazioni finanziarie delle società incluse nei nostri fondi vintage. È inoltre disponibile una newsletter mensile via e-mail che informa gli utenti iscritti sulle novità in materia di private equity.

In ogni caso, il Sito non offre agli Utenti la possibilità di iscriversi direttamente online ai servizi presentati sul Sito.

4 Contenuto del sito

4.a- Il sito web

Il Sito può contenere informazioni riservate e dati protetti da diritti di proprietà intellettuale. Pertanto, se non diversamente specificato, i diritti di proprietà intellettuale sulle pagine web e sui dati di qualsiasi tipo contenuti nel Sito e su ciascuno degli elementi che compongono il Sito (immagini, illustrazioni, suoni, testi, elementi grafici, ecc.), compresi software, database e newsletter (di seguito il "Contenuto ") sono di proprietà esclusiva diAltaroc Partners, che non concede alcuna licenza né alcun diritto diverso da quello di consultare il Sito.

La riproduzione di tutto o parte del Contenuto è autorizzata esclusivamente a scopo informativo per uso personale e privato, essendo espressamente vietata la riproduzione e l'uso di copie fatte per altri scopi in qualsiasi modo e in qualsiasi forma.

È altresì vietato copiare, modificare, creare un'opera derivata, assemblare, decompilare (ad eccezione dei casi previsti dalla legge), vendere, cedere, sub-licenziare o trasferire in qualsiasi modo qualsiasi diritto relativo al Contenuto. È altresì vietato modificare in tutto o in parte il Contenuto, in particolare al fine di accedere al Sito con mezzi diversi dall'interfaccia fornita agli Utenti a tale scopo.

L'utilizzo di tutto o parte del Contenuto, senza l'autorizzazione scritta diAltaroc Partners, su qualsiasi supporto al fine di promuovere prodotti o servizi, in particolare per scopi commerciali, è vietato e può comportare procedimenti penali o civili.

4.b- Marchi

Altaroc Partners è l'unico proprietario del marchio ALTAROC, dei suoi loghi e del nome di dominio

Gli utenti riconoscono i diritti esclusivi diAltaroc Partners sul marchio ALTAROC e si asterranno dall'utilizzarlo in qualsiasi modo e, più in generale, dal violare i diritti di proprietà intellettuale di cui Altaroc è l'unico proprietario.

Tutti gli altri marchi o loghi che compaiono sul Sito sono di proprietà diAltaroc Partners, o di una società del gruppo a cui Altaroc Partners appartiene, o dei suoi fornitori di servizi, partner o fornitori. Qualsiasi uso di questi marchi e/o loghi e/o di qualsiasi altro Contenuto è soggetto all'autorizzazione esplicita diAltaroc Partners o del titolare dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale in questione.

4.c- Collegamenti ipertestuali

Altaroc Partners si riserva il diritto di richiedere la rimozione di qualsiasi link al Sito che non sia stato o non sia più autorizzato e che sia dannoso per Altaroc Partners.

4.d- Moduli di raccolta

L'Utente può fare richieste, in particolare di informazioni, adAltaroc Partners compilando i vari moduli di raccolta messi a disposizione sul Sito.

Compilando i moduli di contatto, l'Utente garantisce che le informazioni fornite sono accurate. Tali informazioni saranno raccolte in conformità all'articolo 7 di seguito riportato.

La richiesta dell'Utente sarà quindi inoltrata al reparto vendite diAltaroc Partners, che si impegnerà a evaderla nel più breve tempo possibile.

5.gestione del sito

Altaroc Partners implementa le soluzioni tecniche a sua disposizione per garantire l'accesso al Sito 24 ore al giorno, 7 giorni alla settimana. Tuttavia, a causa della natura di Internet, ciò non può essere garantito.

Inoltre, per la corretta gestione del Sito, Altaroc Partners potrà in qualsiasi momento:

  • sospendere, interrompere o limitare l'accesso a tutto o parte del Sito, o limitare l'accesso al Sito, o a determinate parti del Sito, a una specifica categoria di Utenti,
  • Eliminare qualsiasi informazione che possa disturbare il suo funzionamento o contravvenire alle leggi nazionali o internazionali,
  • Sospendere l'accesso al Sito per effettuare gli aggiornamenti.

6 Responsabilità relative all'utilizzo del sito

6.a- Accesso e funzionamento del Sito

Tutti gli Utenti sono personalmente responsabili della predisposizione delle risorse informatiche e di comunicazione necessarie per accedere al Sito e dell'acquisizione delle conoscenze necessarie per utilizzare Internet e accedere al Sito.

L'Utente rimane responsabile dei costi di connessione e delle apparecchiature associate all'accesso a Internet e all'utilizzo del Sito, in conformità con i termini e le condizioni stabiliti dai propri fornitori di accesso e/o operatori di comunicazioni elettroniche.

L'Utente è consapevole dei rischi di uso improprio e di contaminazione da parte di eventuali virus in circolazione su Internet. Altaroc Partners non potrà essere ritenuta responsabile di tali malfunzionamenti o dell'interruzione delle comunicazioni via Internet.

Si ricorda che l'accesso o la permanenza fraudolenta in un sistema informatico, l'ostacolo o la distorsione del funzionamento di tale sistema, l'introduzione o la modifica fraudolenta di dati in un sistema informatico sono reati punibili per legge.

6.b- Limitazione di responsabilità

Altaroc Partners si adopera per garantire che le informazioni pubblicate sul Sito siano accurate e aggiornate e si riserva il diritto di modificare il contenuto o la presentazione del Sito in qualsiasi momento e senza preavviso. Tuttavia, Altaroc Partners non può garantire che le informazioni siano complete o che non siano state modificate da terzi (intrusioni, virus).

Altaroc Partners non può essere ritenuta responsabile per qualsiasi decisione presa sulla base delle informazioni contenute nel Sito, né per l'uso che può essere fatto di tali informazioni da parte di terzi, e in particolare declina ogni responsabilità derivante dalla trasmissione di informazioni riservate su Internet.

Altaroc Partners non potrà essere ritenuta responsabile di elementi al di fuori del suo controllo e di eventuali danni che potrebbero essere subiti dall'ambiente tecnico di qualsiasi Utente e, in particolare, dai suoi computer, software, apparecchiature di rete (modem, telefoni, ecc.) e qualsiasi apparecchiatura utilizzata per accedere o utilizzare le informazioni e/o i Contenuti.

Il Sito può anche contenere collegamenti ipertestuali ad altri siti web. Altaroc Partners non ha alcun controllo sull'accuratezza delle informazioni ivi contenute o sul loro contenuto. Altaroc Partners non è tenuta a esercitare alcun controllo sulla qualità, la liceità, la veridicità o l'accuratezza delle informazioni pubblicate nelle pagine a cui rimandano tali collegamenti ipertestuali. Di conseguenza, Altaroc Partners non potrà essere ritenuta responsabile per eventuali danni derivanti dall'uso, dall'accesso o dall'impossibilità di utilizzare le informazioni o i contenuti di altri siti web.

7 Protezione dei dati personali

Nel corso della gestione del Sito, Altaroc Partners raccoglie i dati personali degli Utenti in conformità alla normativa vigente in materia di dati personali e alla politica di riservatezza che ha elaborato (di seguito "Politica di Riservatezza ").

L'Informativa sulla privacy diAltaroc Partners integra le CGU, di cui costituisce parte integrante.

Altaroc Partners invita gli Utenti a consultare la sua Privacy Policy.


Il Sito utilizza diverse categorie di cookie.

L'utilizzo dei cookie è descritto nella cookie policy (di seguito "Cookie Policy "). Altaroc Partners invita gli Utenti a consultare la propria Cookie Policy.

9 Legge/lingua applicabile

Le CGU sono disciplinate dal diritto francese.

La lingua dei presenti Termini e Condizioni e dei rapporti tra le Parti è il francese.

10 Risoluzione delle controversie

In caso di reclami, controversie o contenziosi relativi al rapporto contrattuale ai sensi delle CGU, le Parti si adopereranno per risolvere in via amichevole le controversie che dovessero insorgere tra loro. A tal fine, l'Utente si impegna a indirizzare il proprio reclamo ad Altaroc Partners all'indirizzo indicato all'articolo 11 delle CGU.

In assenza di una soluzione amichevole, qualsiasi controversia relativa al GCU sarà :

  • Per quanto riguarda gli Utenti Professionali: la giurisdizione esclusiva del Tribunale Commerciale della sede legale diAltaroc Partners, alla quale viene espressamente e preventivamente concessa la giurisdizione, anche in caso di rivendicazione da parte di terzi o di pluralità di convenuti.
  • Per quanto riguarda gli altri Utenti: portare davanti ai tribunali competenti.


Per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione o reclamo relativo all'utilizzo del Sito, l'Utente può contattare Altaroc Partners al seguente indirizzo:

  • Per posta: 61 Rue des Belles Feuilles, 75016 Parigi
  • Per e-mail:
  • Per telefono: 01 53 65 01 00

12 Aggiornamento della GCU

Le presenti CGU annullano e sostituiscono le condizioni precedentemente applicabili.

Altaroc Partners si riserva il diritto di adattare, modificare o aggiornare le CGU in qualsiasi momento. In ogni caso, le CGU applicabili sono quelle in vigore il giorno della navigazione sull'Applicazione.

Data dell'ultimo aggiornamento: 24-03-2024

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Termini e condizioni generali

This website, as well as all the information presented herein, is governed by French regulations. Certain jurisdictions prohibit or restrict access to this site. Therefore, please ensure that you are legally authorized to access it from the country where the connection is established.

This site presents information about the Funds managed or marketed by Altaroc Partners S.A. Such information does not constitute an offer, solicitation, investment advice, or recommendation to buy or sell financial products.

The Funds presented on our website cannot be subscribed to in any jurisdiction where their marketing has not been previously authorized.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our Funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss.

Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision. If you are interested in any of the Funds presented on this website, we advise you to ensure beforehand that you are legally permitted to subscribe to them.

This website allows you to view information only about Funds that are subject to a public offering in the selected country. This website is not intended for individuals subject to a jurisdiction where the publication or access to the website is prohibited due to their nationality or place of residence. Individuals accessing the website acknowledge that they are solely responsible for complying with the laws and regulations applicable in their country of residence and/or nationality.

This website is an informational site aimed at presenting the portfolio management activities of Altaroc Partners S.A., as well as the main characteristics of its Funds and services. No information or opinion expressed on this website constitutes a solicitation, offer, or recommendation to buy, sell, or transfer an investment, engage in any other transaction, or provide investment advice or services.

Before making any investment in a Fund, which by nature carries a risk of capital loss, we invite you to consult an investment advisor and review the Key Information Document (KID), the prospectus, and any additional information available on this website. A paper version may be requested from any authorized distributor or from the Management Company. These documents will be provided free of charge at any time upon simple request.

Please note that the information and documents available do not take into account your personal investment objectives, strategy, tax status, risk appetite, or investment horizon. Consult your personal advisor for investment advice.

Altaroc Partners S.A. reserves the right to modify the content at its discretion and without prior notice.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our Funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss. Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision.

This website is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or for "U.S. Persons" as defined in "Regulation S" under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. None of the Funds presented herein may be offered or sold directly or indirectly in the United States of America to residents and citizens of the United States of America or to "U.S. Persons."

By choosing to access our website, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these Terms and confirm that you are accessing this website in compliance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction or country in which you reside.

Ce site, ainsi que toutes les informations qui y sont présentées, sont régis par la réglementation française. Certaines législations interdisent ou restreignent l’accès à ce site. Nous vous prions, par conséquent, de vous assurer que vous êtes légalement autorisés à vous y connecter dans le pays à partir duquel la connexion est établie.

Ce site présente les informations relatives aux Fonds gérés ou commercialisés par Altaroc Partners S.A. Elles ne constituent en aucun cas une offre, une sollicitation, ou un conseil en investissement, ni une recommandation d'achat ou de vente de produits financiers.

Les Fonds présentés sur notre site Internet ne peuvent être souscrits dans l’Etat dans lequel leur commercialisation n’a pas été préalablement autorisée.

Il est rappelé aux investisseurs que les performances passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures et ne sont pas constantes dans le temps. Nos Fonds n’offrent aucune garantie de rendement ou de performance et présentent un risque de perte en capital.

Les performances passées ne doivent pas être l’élément central de votre décision d’investissement.

Si vous êtes intéressés par l’un des Fonds présentés sur ce site, nous vous conseillons de vous assurer préalablement que vous êtes juridiquement autorisés à y souscrire.

Ce site vous permet de consulter uniquement les informations relatives aux Fonds qui font l’objet d’une offre publique dans le pays sélectionné. Ce site Internet ne s'adresse pas aux personnes relevant d'une juridiction dans laquelle la publication du site Internet ou son accès est interdit(e) en raison de leur nationalité ou de leur lieu de résidence. Les personnes accédant au site Internet savent qu'elles sont seules responsables du respect des lois et réglementations applicables dans leur pays de résidence et/ou de nationalité.

Ce site est un site d'information dont l'objectif est de présenter l'activité de gestion de portefeuille d’Altaroc Partners S.A. ainsi que les principales caractéristiques de ses Fonds et services. Aucune information ou opinion exprimée sur le site web ne constitue une sollicitation, une offre ou une recommandation d'acheter, de vendre ou de céder un investissement, de s'engager dans une autre transaction ou de fournir un conseil ou un service en matière d'investissement.

Avant tout investissement dans un Fonds, qui par nature présente un risque de perte du capital investi, nous vous invitons à consulter un conseiller en investissement et à consulter le Document d’Information Clé (DIC) et le prospectus ainsi que toute autre information supplémentaire, qui sont disponibles sur ce site internet. Une version papier peut être demandée auprès de tout distributeur autorisé ou auprès de la Société de Gestion. Ces documents seront fournis sans frais et à tout moment sur simple demande.

Veuillez noter que les informations et documents disponibles ne tiennent pas compte de vos objectifs d'investissement personnels, de votre stratégie, de votre statut fiscal, de votre appétit pour le risque ou de votre horizon d’investissement. Consultez votre conseiller personnel pour obtenir des conseils sur vos investissements.

Altaroc Partners S.A. se réserve la possibilité de modifier le contenu de façon discrétionnaire et sans préavis.

Il est rappelé aux investisseurs que les performances passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures et ne sont pas constantes dans le temps. Nos Fonds n’offrent aucune garantie de rendement ou de performance et présentent un risque de perte en capital. Les performances passées ne doivent pas être l’élément central de votre décision d’investissement.

Ce site Internet n'est pas destiné aux citoyens ou résidents des États-Unis d'Amérique ou à des «U.S. Persons» tel que ce terme est défini dans le «Regulation S» de la loi américaine de 1933 sur les valeurs mobilières. Aucun Fonds présenté ici ne peut être proposé ou vendu directement ou indirectement aux États-Unis d'Amérique à des résidents et citoyens des États-Unis d'Amérique et à des «U.S. Persons».

En choisissant d’accéder à notre site, vous reconnaissez avoir pris connaissance de ces Conditions et les avoir acceptées et vous confirmez que vous accédez à ce site Internet conformément aux lois et réglementations de la juridiction ou du pays dans lequel vous résidez.

This website, along with all the information presented herein, is governed by French regulations. Certain jurisdictions prohibit or restrict access to this website. Therefore, we kindly ask you to ensure that you are legally authorized to access it from the country where the connection is established.

This website provides information about the Funds managed or marketed by Altaroc Partners S.A. Such information does not constitute an offer, solicitation, investment advice, or a recommendation to buy or sell financial products.

The Funds presented on our website cannot be subscribed to in any jurisdiction where their marketing has not been previously authorized.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our Funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss.

Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision. If you are interested in any of the Funds presented on this website, we advise you to first ensure that you are legally permitted to subscribe to them.

This website allows you to access information only about Funds that are subject to a public offering in the selected country. This website is not intended for individuals subject to jurisdictions where the publication or access to the website is prohibited due to their nationality or place of residence. Individuals accessing the website acknowledge that they are solely responsible for complying with the laws and regulations applicable in their country of residence and/or nationality.

Before making any investment in a Fund, which by nature carries a risk of capital loss, we invite you to consult an investment advisor and review the Key Information Document (KID), the prospectus, and any additional information, which are available on this website. A paper version can be requested from any authorized distributor or from the Swiss Representative: 3Altasuisse SA - Rue François-Versonnex 7, 1204 Geneva (Switzerland). These documents will be provided free of charge upon simple request at any time.

The distribution of the Funds mentioned on this website in Switzerland is subject to the jurisdiction of Altaroc Partners S.A., whose registered office is located at 61 Rue des Belles Feuilles, 75016 Paris (France).

This website is an informational site aimed at presenting the portfolio management activities of Altaroc Partners S.A., as well as the main characteristics of its Funds and services. This website is not transactional.

Altaroc Partners S.A. reserves the right to modify the content at its discretion and without prior notice.

The subscription of shares or units in a Fund may involve risks. The net asset value of the Fund may increase or decrease depending on market fluctuations, and it is possible that investors may not recover the entirety of their invested capital. Furthermore, before any transaction, investors should:

• review the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the prospectus of each Fund to understand the exact nature of the selected vehicles, their main characteristics, and the associated risks; and

• ensure that the selected vehicles are suitable for their financial situation, investment objectives, and the risks they are willing to accept.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our investment funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss. Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision.

This website is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or for "U.S. Persons" as defined in "Regulation S" under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. None of the Funds presented herein may be offered or sold directly or indirectly in the United States of America to residents and citizens of the United States of America or to "U.S. Persons."

By choosing to access our website, you certify that you are a qualified investor domiciled in Switzerland and have read, understood, and accepted the legal conditions below. The information contained in the following pages relates only to the Funds managed by Altaroc Partners S.A. that are approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) for distribution in Switzerland, in accordance with Articles 119 et seq. of the Federal Act of 23 June 2006 on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA). Therefore, the information contained in the following pages is intended for "qualified investors" as defined in Art. 10, para. 3, let. c, d, para. 3bis, and FINMA Circular 13/9 No. 19.

This website, along with all the information presented herein, is governed by French regulations. Certain jurisdictions prohibit or restrict access to this website. Therefore, we kindly ask you to ensure that you are legally authorized to access it from the country where the connection is established.

This website provides information about the Funds managed or marketed by Altaroc Partners S.A. Such information does not constitute an offer, solicitation, investment advice, or a recommendation to buy or sell financial products.

The Funds presented on our website cannot be subscribed to in any jurisdiction where their marketing has not been previously authorized.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our Funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss.

Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision. If you are interested in any of the Funds presented on this website, we advise you to first ensure that you are legally permitted to subscribe to them.

This website allows you to access information only about Funds that are subject to a public offering in the selected country. This website is not intended for individuals subject to jurisdictions where the publication or access to the website is prohibited due to their nationality or place of residence. Individuals accessing the website acknowledge that they are solely responsible for complying with the laws and regulations applicable in their country of residence and/or nationality.

Before making any investment in a Fund, which by nature carries a risk of capital loss, we invite you to consult an investment advisor and review the Key Information Document (KID), the prospectus, and any additional information, which are available on this website. A paper version can be requested from any authorized distributor or from the Swiss Representative: 3Altasuisse SA - Rue François-Versonnex 7, 1204 Geneva (Switzerland). These documents will be provided free of charge upon simple request at any time.

The distribution of the Funds mentioned on this website in Switzerland is subject to the jurisdiction of Altaroc Partners S.A., whose registered office is located at 61 Rue des Belles Feuilles, 75016 Paris (France).

This website is an informational site aimed at presenting the portfolio management activities of Altaroc Partners S.A., as well as the main characteristics of its Funds and services. This website is not transactional.

Altaroc Partners S.A. reserves the right to modify the content at its discretion and without prior notice.

The subscription of shares or units in a Fund may involve risks. The net asset value of the Fund may increase or decrease depending on market fluctuations, and it is possible that investors may not recover the entirety of their invested capital. Furthermore, before any transaction, investors should:

• review the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the prospectus of each Fund to understand the exact nature of the selected vehicles, their main characteristics, and the associated risks; and

• ensure that the selected vehicles are suitable for their financial situation, investment objectives, and the risks they are willing to accept.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our investment funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss. Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision.

This website is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or for "U.S. Persons" as defined in "Regulation S" under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. None of the Funds presented herein may be offered or sold directly or indirectly in the United States of America to residents and citizens of the United States of America or to "U.S. Persons."

By choosing to access our website, you certify that you are a qualified investor domiciled in Switzerland and have read, understood, and accepted the legal conditions below. The information contained in the following pages relates only to the Funds managed by Altaroc Partners S.A. that are approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) for distribution in Switzerland, in accordance with Articles 119 et seq. of the Federal Act of 23 June 2006 on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA). Therefore, the information contained in the following pages is intended for "qualified investors" as defined in Art. 10, para. 3, let. c, d, para. 3bis, and FINMA Circular 13/9 No. 19.

This website, along with all the information presented herein, is governed by French regulations. Certain jurisdictions prohibit or restrict access to this website. Therefore, we kindly ask you to ensure that you are legally authorized to access it from the country where the connection is established.

This website provides information about the Funds managed or marketed by Altaroc Partners S.A. Such information does not constitute an offer, solicitation, investment advice, or a recommendation to buy or sell financial products.

The Funds presented on our website cannot be subscribed to in any jurisdiction where their marketing has not been previously authorized.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our Funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss.

Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision. If you are interested in any of the Funds presented on this website, we advise you to first ensure that you are legally permitted to subscribe to them.

This website allows you to access information only about Funds that are subject to a public offering in the selected country. This website is not intended for individuals subject to jurisdictions where the publication or access to the website is prohibited due to their nationality or place of residence. Individuals accessing the website acknowledge that they are solely responsible for complying with the laws and regulations applicable in their country of residence and/or nationality.

Before making any investment in a Fund, which by nature carries a risk of capital loss, we invite you to consult an investment advisor and review the Key Information Document (KID), the prospectus, and any additional information, which are available on this website. A paper version can be requested from any authorized distributor or from the Swiss Representative: 3Altasuisse SA - Rue François-Versonnex 7, 1204 Geneva (Switzerland). These documents will be provided free of charge upon simple request at any time.

The distribution of the Funds mentioned on this website in Switzerland is subject to the jurisdiction of Altaroc Partners S.A., whose registered office is located at 61 Rue des Belles Feuilles, 75016 Paris (France).

This website is an informational site aimed at presenting the portfolio management activities of Altaroc Partners S.A., as well as the main characteristics of its Funds and services. This website is not transactional.

Altaroc Partners S.A. reserves the right to modify the content at its discretion and without prior notice.

The subscription of shares or units in a Fund may involve risks. The net asset value of the Fund may increase or decrease depending on market fluctuations, and it is possible that investors may not recover the entirety of their invested capital. Furthermore, before any transaction, investors should:

• review the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the prospectus of each Fund to understand the exact nature of the selected vehicles, their main characteristics, and the associated risks; and

• ensure that the selected vehicles are suitable for their financial situation, investment objectives, and the risks they are willing to accept.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our investment funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss. Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision.

This website is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or for "U.S. Persons" as defined in "Regulation S" under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. None of the Funds presented herein may be offered or sold directly or indirectly in the United States of America to residents and citizens of the United States of America or to "U.S. Persons."

By choosing to access our website, you certify that you are a qualified investor domiciled in Switzerland and have read, understood, and accepted the legal conditions below. The information contained in the following pages relates only to the Funds managed by Altaroc Partners S.A. that are approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) for distribution in Switzerland, in accordance with Articles 119 et seq. of the Federal Act of 23 June 2006 on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA). Therefore, the information contained in the following pages is intended for "qualified investors" as defined in Art. 10, para. 3, let. c, d, para. 3bis, and FINMA Circular 13/9 No. 19.

Ce site, ainsi que toutes les informations qui y sont présentées, sont régis par la réglementation française. Certaines législations interdisent ou restreignent l’accès à ce site. Nous vous prions, par conséquent, de vous assurer que vous êtes légalement autorisés à vous y connecter dans le pays à partir duquel la connexion est établie.

Ce site présente les informations relatives aux Fonds gérés ou commercialisés par Altaroc Partners S.A. Elles ne constituent en aucun cas une offre, une sollicitation, ou un conseil en investissement, ni une recommandation d'achat ou de vente de produits financiers.

Les Fonds présentés sur notre site Internet ne peuvent être souscrits dans l’Etat dans lequel leur commercialisation n’a pas été préalablement autorisée.

Il est rappelé aux investisseurs que les performances passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures et ne sont pas constantes dans le temps. Nos Fonds n’offrent aucune garantie de rendement ou de performance et présentent un risque de perte en capital.

Les performances passées ne doivent pas être l’élément central de votre décision d’investissement.

Si vous êtes intéressés par l’un des Fonds présentés sur ce site, nous vous conseillons de vous assurer préalablement que vous êtes juridiquement autorisés à y souscrire.

Ce site vous permet de consulter uniquement les informations relatives aux Fonds qui font l’objet d’une offre publique dans le pays sélectionné. Ce site Internet ne s'adresse pas aux personnes relevant d'une juridiction dans laquelle la publication du site Internet ou son accès est interdit(e) en raison de leur nationalité ou de leur lieu de résidence. Les personnes accédant au site Internet savent qu'elles sont seules responsables du respect des lois et réglementations applicables dans leur pays de résidence et/ou de nationalité.

Avant tout investissement dans un Fonds, qui par nature présente un risque de perte du capital investi, nous vous invitons à consulter un conseiller en investissement et à consulter le Document d’Information Clé (DIC) et le prospectus ainsi que toute autre information supplémentaire, qui sont disponibles sur ce site internet. Une version papier peut être demandée auprès de tout distributeur autorisé ou auprès du Représentant en Suisse : 3Altasuisse SA - Rue François-Versonnex 7 1204 GENÈVE (Suisse).

Ces documents seront fournis sans frais et à tout moment sur simple demande.

La distribution en Suisse des Fonds mentionnés sur le présent site Internet relève de la juridiction du siège social d’Altaroc Partners S.A., situé au 61 rue des Belles Feuilles

75016 PARIS (France).

Ce site est un site d'information dont l'objectif est de présenter l'activité de gestion de portefeuille d’Altaroc Partners S.A. ainsi que les principales caractéristiques de ses Fonds et services. Ce site n’est pas un site transactionnel.

Altaroc Partners S.A. se réserve la possibilité de modifier le contenu de façon discrétionnaire et sans préavis.

La souscription de parts ou d'actions d'un Fonds peut comporter des risques. La valeur nette d'inventaire du fonds peut augmenter ou diminuer en fonction des fluctuations du marché et il est possible que les investisseurs ne récupèrent pas l'intégralité du capital investi. Par ailleurs, avant toute transaction, les investisseurs doivent :

- consulter le Document d'information clé pour l'investisseur et le prospectus de chaque Fonds afin de connaître la nature exacte des véhicules choisis, leurs principales caractéristiques et les risques encourus ; et

- s'assurer que les véhicules choisis sont adaptés à leur situation financière, à leurs objectifs d'investissement et aux risques qu'ils sont prêts à accepter.

Il est rappelé aux investisseurs que les performances passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures et ne sont pas constantes dans le temps. Nos OPC n’offrent aucune garantie de rendement ou de performance et présentent un risque de perte en capital. Elles ne doivent pas être l’élément central de votre décision d’investissement.

Ce site Internet n'est pas destiné aux citoyens ou résidents des États-Unis d'Amérique ou à des «U.S. Persons» tel que ce terme est défini dans le «Regulation S» de la loi américaine de 1933 sur les valeurs mobilières. Aucun Fonds présenté ici ne peut être proposé ou vendu directement ou indirectement aux États-Unis d'Amérique à des résidents et citoyens des États-Unis d'Amérique et à des «U.S. Persons».

En choisissant d’accéder à notre site, vous certifiez être un investisseur qualifié domicilié en Suisse et avoir lu, compris et accepté les conditions légales ci-dessous. Les informations contenues dans les pages suivantes se rapportent uniquement aux Fonds gérés par Altaroc Partners S.A ., approuvés par l'Autorité fédérale de surveillance des marchés financiers (FINMA) à des fins de distribution en Suisse, conformément aux Articles 119 et suivants de la Loi fédérale du 23 juin 2006 sur les placements collectifs de capitaux (LPCC). Par conséquent, les informations contenues dans les pages suivantes sont destinées aux « investisseurs qualifiés » au sens de l'Art. 10, al. 3, let. c, d, al. 3bis et de la Circulaire 13/9 N° 19 de la FINMA.

This website allows you to consult only the information related to the Funds that are subject to a public offering in the selected country. This website is not intended for individuals subject to jurisdictions where the publication or access to the website is prohibited due to their nationality or place of residence. Individuals accessing the website acknowledge that they are solely responsible for complying with the laws and regulations applicable in their country of residence and/or nationality.

This website is an informational platform designed to present the portfolio management activities of Altaroc Partners S.A., as well as the main characteristics of its Funds and services. No information or opinion expressed on this website constitutes a solicitation, an offer, or a recommendation to buy, sell, or transfer an investment, to engage in any other transaction, or to provide investment advice or services.

Before investing in a Fund, which by nature involves a risk of loss of the invested capital, we invite you to consult an investment advisor and to review the Key Information Document (KID), the prospectus, and any other supplementary information available on this website. A paper version can be requested from any authorized distributor or directly from the Management Company. These documents will be provided free of charge at any time upon request.

Please note that the information and documents provided do not take into account your personal investment objectives, strategy, tax status, risk appetite, or investment horizon. We recommend consulting your personal advisor for tailored investment advice.

Altaroc Partners S.A. reserves the right to modify the content of this website at its sole discretion and without prior notice.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future results and is not constant over time. Our Funds do not offer any guarantee of returns or performance and involve a risk of capital loss. Past performance should not be the primary factor in your investment decision.

This website is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or “U.S. Persons” as defined under “Regulation S” of the United States Securities Act of 1933. None of the Funds presented herein may be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, in the United States of America, to residents or citizens of the United States of America, or to “U.S. Persons.”

By choosing to access our website, you acknowledge having read and accepted these Terms and confirm that you are accessing this website in compliance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction or country in which you reside.

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