Private Equity is one of the best-performing asset classes, both historically and over time
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Potential investors must have the financial capacity and willingness to bear the risks (including the potential total loss of their investment in the fund).
Average performance of asset classes worldwide
Positive yields even during recession
Nevertheless, the lower volatility of this asset class, compared with listed markets, can be explained by a combination of factors:
Examples of value creation levers
Private Equity is an asset class favoured by institutional investors and the largest family funds
Private Equity's share of total assets by investor type
Altaroc gives you access to some of the world's best-performing managers, both historically and over time.
Huge differences in performance between Private Equity managers
The best managers are often hard to find.
Our criteria for selecting the best-performing fund managers
Founder Apax
Founder Altamir
Co-founder Sagard Warburg Pincus
Ardian Private Equity funds of funds
Pwc, Fondinvest, Altamir
Investing with Altaroc means investing like Altamir, France's leading listed Private Equity company.
The company is a pioneer in the democratization of Private Equity.
(*) Performance to 12/31/2023. The performance information provided on this slide is for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Investing with Altaroc means investing simply in a portfolio built on strong convictions.
Investing with Altaroc means investing in the real economy.
Total transparency to experience your investment
Our reports
An annual ESG report is also made available to our investors.
Our reports are produced by Altamir's reporting teams. Our investors therefore benefit from 30 years of expertise in institutional reporting.
A range of institutional-quality private equity funds, available in French life insurance and PER - Assurance.
Every year, we build a highly diversified, high-performance, turnkey global Private Equity portfolio.
Invest in private equity as the largest institutional investors do.
A global multi-vintage Private Equity offer is in the works.