Private Equity is the best-performing asset class, both historically and over time.

Private Equity is a popular asset class for institutional investors and major family offices.
Altaroc provides access to global managers renowned for their remarkable track records.
Investing with Altaroc means investing alongside Altamir, France's best-performing listed Private Equity company.

The company founded by Maurice Tchenio is the first evergreen Private Equity fund launched in France.
Investing with Altaroc means investing simply in a portfolio built by a highly experienced selection team.

Investing with Altaroc means investing in the real economy.

Newsflow, videos, financial and ESG reporting

FCPR Discovery is a private equity product optimized for life insurance and PER. It combines controlled liquidity for policyholders and insurers with flexible underwriting and an immediate call for funds.
Every year, we build a highly diversified, high-performance, turnkey global Private Equity portfolio.
Invest in private equity as the largest institutional investors do.
A global multi-vintage Private Equity offer is in the works.
A 100% digital ecosystem designed for private investors and their advisors