HawkEye 360

The American company HawkEye 360 deploys satellites around the Earth to analyze radio frequencies emitted from the four corners of the globe. HawkEye 360's technology is used by governments to detect clandestine activities and fight for security.
HawkEye 360 is the first commercial company to detect, geolocate and analyze a wide range of radio-frequency signals to provide clues about and map clandestine human activities. Used primarily for defense and intelligence purposes, the technology developed by HawkEye 360 enables the detection of secret or undeclared activities.
For example, satellites deployed by HawkEye 360 were able to detect and track Chinese naval activity off the coast of Japan's Senkaku Islands as tensions escalated between China and Japan in the East China Sea.
In Niger, HawkEye 360's satellites have enabled the government to identify artisanal mining operations that are harmful to the environment and the health of miners, thus helping to preserve the environment.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, HawkEye 360 technology has enabled park rangers in the Garamba National Park to detect poaching activities and thus protect wild animals, notably elephants, which numbered over 22,000 in the 1970s, but now number less than a thousand.