Live Mode

In the land of soccer, Edgar Diniz and Sergio Lopes, the two entrepreneurs behind the project, launched Live Mode in 2017 with a simple idea: to facilitate the technical distribution and management of broadcasting rights for soccer matches in Brazil and neighboring countries.
They had already managed a similar platform and worked with the world's biggest soccer bodies, FIFA and UEFA.
Although soccer is highly developed throughout Brazil and neighboring countries, the monetization of its broadcasting and the quality of related programs is much lower than in Europe and North America. The addressable market is gigantic (+ 49 billion Reals, or around 9 billion euros, source: EY), and competition is not very intense: this is what led the two founders of Live Mode to launch their company.
Currently focused on soccer, Live Mode plans to expand into new sports to reach a wider target audience. Live Mode's business is experiencing very significant growth (sales up +55% in 2023 vs. 2022).