
Innovative company - Marlink signs new agreement with Eutelsat

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29 March 2024
Present in the Vintage Altaroc Odyssey 2021, Marlink signs a new multi-year agreement with Eutelsat to benefit from extended satellite capacity. As the world's leading operator of satellite communications for the navy, Marlink will benefit from extended navigation areas. Markets for maritime broadband connectivity are booming.
Damien Hélène
Damien Hélène
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Present in the Vintage Altaroc Odyssey 2021, Marlink has just signed a new multi-year agreement with Eutelsat, with whom the company is already Partner for the use of its maritime connectivity services. This new agreement will enable Marlink to benefit from targeted satellite capacity over wider navigation areas, as well as access to terrestrial sites covered by the powerful Eutelsat 10B satellite, which coversEurope, the Middle East andAfrica.

With 11,000 ships equipped with its technology, Marlink is the world's leading operator of satellite communications services for the shipping and cruise industries.

As Eutelsat points out, " all segments of the maritime broadband connectivity market are booming, driven by the growing number of connected ships and the exponential growth in usage, from remote access to enterprise applications, operational data and crew well-being services ".

Marlink has recently stepped up its number of commercial agreements. The company signed a partnership with Arabsat to increase the bandwidth capacity of its network, which serves numerous industrial sectors such as energy and mining, as well as humanitarian and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Africa and the Middle East. It has also won a public service delegation contract in French Guiana to offer broadband Internet access and 4G/5G services via satellite to the entire territory.

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