Fund manager
Special Report
Special report N°7 - Nordic Capital

Sustainability strategy at Nordic Capital : an analytical look

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Nordic Capital affirms its commitment to the transformative potential of private equity in creating a positive future for people and planet alike. This vision is deeply rooted in the firm's culture and investment framework. The company emphasizes a responsible investment approach, stressing that responsible business practice is crucial to ensuring long-term success and value creation.
Damien Hélène
Damien Hélène
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Nordic Capital 's stated aim is to make a positive contribution to society by helping to build strong companies. This ambition revolves around promoting sustainable development and raising awareness, both within the organization and among its portfolio companies. The team's actions extend to all phases of the investment process, highlighting best practices in governance, social and environmental behavior. It is noteworthy that UNPRI has recognized Nordic Capital's performance, placing it in the top quartile for the integration of ESG criteria into the investment process.

As a partnership for sustainable growth, Nordic Capital actively engages with its portfolio companies during the ownership phase. The aim is to promote the importance of sustainability, stimulate sustainable performance and share best practice. Clear expectations are set to ensure that sustainability is taken into account at all levels, from the Board of Directors to the entire organization.

Nordic Capital is also involved in supporting and deploying solutions to global challenges. This involvement manifests itself in the promotion of transformative sustainable growth, the development of sustainability skills, access to cutting-edge expertise, and data-driven sustainable performance.

Nordic Capital 's guiding principles are aligned with the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) initiative. The company is also committed to following the standards of Invest Europe and local venture capital associations, while basing its responsible investment policy on the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact and recognizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a guide to its investment process.

As part of partnerships and collaborations, Nordic Capital has established alliances aimed at creating value and contributing positively to local communities and society as a whole. These partnerships revolve around involvement in organizations dedicated to ESG principles, with Nordic Capital playing the role of signatory, board member and trusted partner. This involvement aims to promote sustainable business practices in all aspects of environmental, social and governance issues.

By actively participating in industry conferences on sustainability and holding panel positions at conferences on responsible investment, Nordic Capital demonstrates its commitment. In addition, the company participates in various working groups and forums, contributing to specific committees to promote industry standards and ESG guidelines.

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Special report N°7 - Nordic Capital
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