Give your savings meaning
Written transcription
So the sixth reason for investing with Altaroc is, I think you and I both agree, that beyond performance, we want to give meaning to our savings. Beyond performance, you want to know where and how the capital you've invested is working. Well, thanks to the 100% digital platform we've built from scratch, this is possible. You'll have three, I'll use an Anglicism, three touch points, three moments when we'll be talking to you on a regular basis. Obviously, quarterly reporting is compulsory. As I explained, Claire Peysssard, who has been in charge of Altamir's reporting for many years, will be providing customers of Altaroc vehicles with reporting of equivalent quality. It's the same granularity, the same level of analysis as that of a listed company which is one of Europe's largest funds of listed funds. This is provided to you every quarter, and each quarter, Maurice and I hold a webinar during which, for 45 minutes or 1 hour, we explain to you, with commentary, what has happened in Vintage Altaroc Odyssey during the quarter. So that's a must. What's really great here, however, is that you get a consolidated view of your portfolio. We'll explain by manager, by sector, by sub-sector, how value was created during the quarter for your commitment to Vintage Altaroc Odyssey.
Second level of reporting, Claire has decided with Maurice and me to put in place a I would say one level of ESG reporting this year. So the bottom line is Article Eight. All the Altaroc funds have Article Eight, which means that we're practically at the highest level of ESG requirements, i.e. environmental, social and governance requirements. So, starting this year, we're going to introduce reporting on non-financial elements of equivalent quality to the one we're introducing on financial elements, so that you can find out how much CO2 your portfolio companies produce per million euros of sales. Do your portfolio companies create jobs? If so, how many? Claire Peysssard will be setting this up from the second half of 2023, with a level of granularity and quality equivalent to that which she implements on the financial side, i.e. extra-financial data of equivalent quality to that which we implement on the financial side. And last but not least, Damien Helene, our editor-in-chief who comes from BFM Business, will provide you with daily weekly information on everything that's going on in our portfolios, not just in financial terms, but also in terms of news and our portfolio.
He'll tell you about the unicorns, the sectors and market segments in which they're positioned, the jobs they're creating, and why we've supported them. So Damien is going to make you want to invest, he's going to explain why we wanted to invest and he's going to help you to understand, I'd say, to understand the invisible, to see what's invisible. Because the world of Private Equity is difficult to understand and difficult to access. Damien's job is to shed light on what goes on in portfolio companies, even beyond pure financial performance. And we took on an editor from BFM Business because he had a passion for explaining why and how we supported these funds, these companies, these managers. So Damien will be telling you about the unicorns in the portfolio on a weekly basis. Here are a few examples of the unicorn companies in portfolio one from Vintage in 2021. We've told you all about them, so Damien tells you about them every week. There are fact sheets on the companies, and articles published on these companies, so that you know where and how your capital is invested, and in which unicorns it is invested.
In this case,Altaroc 's fund 21 had already supported Back Market, Payfit SpenDesk, Qonto and Ecovadis, five magnificent French unicorns, through American managers. In fact, Damien talks to you every week about all the unicorns in the world. Because, in addition to these five French unicorns, there were 55 non-French unicorns. Obviously, that's what you're interested in too. So Damien tells you about them, as part of his extra-financial reporting. And then Damien is going to tell you about, I'd say, on a weekly basis too, all the companies that are transforming the world in the companies we've supported, those that are at the top level of global ESG performance. And he'll tell you, in all the countries in which we've invested, how these companies are transforming the world economy, and why we're so enthusiastic about them, and why they give meaning to what we do. That's what theAltaroc reporting platform is all about. So it's not just a quarterly paper report, obviously, it's all digital. Of course, it's all interactive, and it's a considerable investment we've made to give you a close-up view of the real economy we're supporting. And that's the beauty of Private Equity: creating jobs, creating wealth, creating innovation and helping to create tomorrow's brightest stars.