The final word with Frederic Stolar
Written transcription
Damien Hélène: Our web conference is almost over. Frédéric, a few words in conclusion for those watching us.
Frédéric Stolar: I would first like to warmly thank each of you for your presence today and for the trust you continue to show us. This web conference has allowed us to share with you our vision and the vision of the experts who support us on this historical resilience of Private Equity, on the outperformance of the vintages that followed the periods of crisis and on the solidity and originality of our strategy for building Vintage , particularly on the key dimension of co-investments. I hope that these elements will have convinced you that it is the right time to invest in Private Equity and above all that our Vintage 2024 Odyssey, which is off to a very good start, represents an interesting opportunity for private clients. I would also like to point out the excellent visibility we have on this Vintage since we are already committed to five leading global funds and we have already made a very interesting first investment with Qlik, whose CEO you heard exclusively a few minutes ago. The Odyssey 2024 fundraising period will end on March 31. So there are only a few weeks left to subscribe.
Damien Hélène: Thank you Frédéric. You also wanted to share our upcoming appointments with us.
Frédéric Stolar: Absolutely Damien. First of all, we will be at the IPM Wealth show in Cannes on January 28, 29 and 30 and we will be delighted to meet our partners there. Come see us! I am adding our now unmissable meeting on BFM Business for the Inside Private Equity show on Wednesday, January 29 at 9:30 p.m. Come along! I would like to remind you that this show is fully in line with our educational approach around the private equity asset class to answer the very concrete questions that our partners and their clients are asking, exactly as we did with you today.
Damien Hélène: Yes, indeed. And for this show on January 29 at 9:30 p.m., we will welcome Maurice Tchenio, but also the president of Thom, the holding company of the Histoire d'or group and Guillaume Lorin, managing partner and CEO of PwC in France. A final word, Frédéric.
Frédéric Stolar: A final word to announce to those watching that the new ESG report from our management company has just been published. It is a very comprehensive document that details our proactive support approach to our managers on these fascinating ESG topics. I invite you to consult it on our website Altaroc
Damien Hélène: Thank you very much Frédéric. And thank you all. We hope that this web conference has provided you with useful answers and insights. While waiting to meet again very soon, we wish you all a very happy new year 2025!