
Bestpass helps fleets save time and money by acting as a bridge to toll authorities, providing them with data to optimize costs per vehicle.
The company covers 100% of the major toll roads in the United States, has over 30,000 customers and processes more than $1.5 billion in toll transactions per year.
In recent years, Bestpass has extended its service offering beyond toll management with some highly innovative services: in 2022, for example, the company launched its own citation management software and payments product. It has also added heavy vehicle electronic tax filing (HVUT) services to its portfolio, thanks to the acquisition of ExpressTruckTax, the market leader.
In early 2023, Bestpass launched a partnership with Drivewyze, North America's fastest-growing weigh station bypass and driver safety notification provider, to offer customers an integrated offering of toll and weigh station bypass solutions.
Since 2018, Bestpass has multiplied its customer base and sales by 3. Its drive to innovate and offer an all-in-one solution for its customers makes it a company with strong market potential.