With 200,000 downloads and 90,000 listeners every month, La Martingale is one of France's most listened-to podcasts on the subject of personal finance.
Matthieu Stefani, renowned serial-entrepreneur and host of the podcast, recently invited Frédéric Stolar, Managing Partner ofAltaroc , to explain the issues involved in Private Equity.
"Real Private Equity for private clients is now being born".
In this warm and fascinating discussion, Frédéric Stolar answers all the questions you might have about the asset class: What is Private Equity? What are its average performances? Is now the right time to invest?
"We try to minimize risk by building portfolios with tried-and-tested managers that even the biggest institutions find hard to get into," explains Frédéric Stolar.
The episode is also available for download on streaming platforms: