Inclusion and diversity issues are now high on the agenda of recruiters and human resources. In the Tech sector, the Qonto nugget, featured in Vintage Altaroc Odyssey 2021, has adopted a systemic approach to equity and inclusion.
As Marjorie Boruel, talent acquisition director at Qonto, tells Courrier Cadres, "for a company to claim to be inclusive and responsible, this must be reflected at every level: in decision-making, in managerial thinking and strategies, in recruitment, in the employee and customer experience".

Qonto, which simplifies day-to-day banking, financing, accounting and expense management for SMEs and the self-employed, recently developed "ERGs", for employee resource groups, a practice that originated in the USA. In a few words, these are employees who share common characteristics or life experiences and create discussion and reflection groups. It's very useful for HR and decision-makers, because it allows us to gather the voice of employees and bring to the fore causes of which we might not otherwise have been aware. It's really this culture of listening and feedback to nurture initiatives based on the diversity of employees".
In addition, the company, valued at 4.4 billion euros, has entered into a partnership with "the Becomtech association, which works to promote tech professions among young girls, from the brevet des collèges and lycée levels upwards. We know that these are not the people we're going to be recruiting, but we're doing this on a voluntary basis, by giving our staff time and taking on young people for short internships, to explain to them what they should do and show them that these professions are accessible to them, and that yes, just because you're a girl doesn't mean you can't become a developer".