Fund manager
Special Report
Special report N°7 - Nordic Capital

Nordic Capital We believe in promoting the transition to a low-carbon economy".

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A manager present in Vintage Altaroc Global 2021, Nordic Capital is committed to adopting a policy of climate action: "we believe in promoting the transition to a low-carbon economy by investing in companies that can help protect our planet and create a brighter, more sustainable future. We're doing our part by measuring our environmental footprint, sharing reduction practices across our network of companies, and continually improving our company's overall ESG performance."
Damien Hélène
Damien Hélène
This article has been automatically translated. Please excuse any inaccuracies or translation errors.

Reducing climate impact

The environmental consequences of climate change are affecting day-to-day business operations and prompting companies to take action. By adopting an environmental approach, Nordic Capital continues to encourage its portfolio companies to take a preventative approach, ensuring resource-efficient practices and disclosing information on climate change mitigation.

17.5: Tco2E carbon intensity per MEUR of portfolio sales*.

258,424 : Tco2E of total emissions from the portfolio.

52% of companies in the portfolio have set climate targets for reducing carbon emissions.

Emissions from Nordic Capital *

Nordic Capital seeks to act as a role model by measuring, acting and raising environmental awareness within its own organization. The management company has a clear commitment to reducing its carbon emissions and offsetting all its emissions on an annual basis.

90%: business travel.

4%: energy consumption

4%: IT equipment.

1%: commuting.

1%: other.

Achieving carbon neutrality

Nordic Capital recognizes its responsibility in managing its operations by focusing on reducing its share of greenhouse gas emissions. Nordic Capital has been engaged since 2018 with a third-party agent to measure and offset its greenhouse gas emissions, becoming a carbon-neutral company.

*Figures as of May 2024

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Special report N°7 - Nordic Capital
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