80 Acres Farms

80 Acres Farms has revolutionized agriculture with its vertical farms, which consume a tiny fraction of the water of traditional methods, while being powered by renewable energy sources.
Its autonomous structures, free from soil and weather constraints, rely on robotic technologies and innovative analyses to offer consumers a wide range of pesticide-free foods with extended shelf life, meeting the strictest food safety standards.
By making optimum use of space, these facilities can produce up to 300 times more food per square metre than a traditional farm, while reducing CO2 emissions through local distribution. They also optimize water and land use, helping to reduce agricultural waste.
Mike Zelkind, co-founder and CEO, is delighted with this major breakthrough: "Just 10 years ago, this project was the stuff of science fiction. Tomorrow, vertical farms will be so ubiquitous that people will wonder how we ever managed without them."
Based in Ohio, 80 Acres Farms now supplies over 600 retail and foodservice stores nationwide.
Awarded at the Vertical Farming World Awards for its innovations, notably in the "Best Crop Innovation" and "Best Water Saving Initiative" categories.
It generated sales of around 9 million euros in 2022, recording growth of 23% over the previous year. Its growth trajectory should reach almost 250% in 2023.