
Choco unicorn named start-up of the year by TechRound

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A pioneer in ESG and valued at $1.1 billion, Choco is voted Start-up of the Year 2023. The platform aims to reduce global food waste by facilitating orders between restaurateurs and suppliers. Its innovative application saves an average of 1.27 kg of waste per week, while improving kitchen efficiency.
Damien Hélène
Damien Hélène
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A pioneer in the field of ESG and valued at $1.1 billion, Franco-German unicorn Choco has just been named Start-up of the Year 2023 by TechRound magazine.

The editors had selected the company from among 50 start-ups that stand out in the UK for their rapid growth and technological influence. In the end, it was Internet users who selected their favorite company, making Choco the UK Start-up of the Year.

Combating global food waste

Featured in Vintage Altaroc Odyssey 2021 and founded in 2018 in Berlin, Choco is the food industry's first ordering platform that manages to bridge the gap between restaurateurs and their suppliers. Its mission is simple: to reduce food waste on a global scale.

Thanks to its innovative application, Choco brings digital innovation to the food industry, providing real-time product availability and eliminating ordering errors.

Restaurants using the Choco app save an average of 1.27 kilos of food waste per week, while improving kitchen efficiency.


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