In this context, the commune of Demi-Quartier (in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region) commissioned Infraneo to manage the repair work on the Pont de l'Oise, a masonry structure presenting major structural disorders.
In-depth diagnosis for targeted action
Before starting the work, Infraneo's teams carried out a detailed inspection of the bridge to identify the pathologies affecting the structure. The survey revealed seepage weakening the structure, damage to the roadway compromising user safety, deformation of the masonry requiring consolidation, and corrosion of the metal tie rods jeopardizing the stability of the structure. The study also revealed a gap between the spandrel and the return walls, caused by the thrust of the embankment and the deterioration of the masonry.
Technical solutions to ensure the bridge's longevity
To guarantee the durability of the structure and limit future interventions, Infraneo implemented several solutions. The work involved filling certain parts of the bridge with concrete and creating a reinforced concrete cover slab. Surface waterproofing was installed to limit seepage, and the railings were replaced to enhance user safety. The metal tie rods were removed and the masonry consolidated, while the joints were completely rebuilt to improve cohesion. Finally, the tympanum and return walls were rebuilt to stabilize the structure for the long term.
This project, carried out by teams from the Infraneo Lyon - Saint-Georges-de-Reneins branch, illustrates the Group's commitment to preserving and modernizing infrastructures with a view to sustainability and safety.