Private Equity

Frédéric Stolar, a leading Private Equity figure, joins Altaroc Partners as Managing Partner

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Frédéric Stolar, ex-director of Sagard, launches Altaroc, a fintech offering global private equity to individuals starting from 100,000 euros. In association with Altaroc Partners, he offers an innovative solution in the sector. Over 30 years' experience in private equity guarantees a professional, reliable offering accessible to all.
Claire Peyssard-Moses
Claire Peyssard-Moses
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A graduate of CentraleSupélec and holder of an MBA from Wharton Business School, Frédéric Stolar, 56, has over 30 years' experience in major international Private Equity groups. After 4 years with Apax Partners and 8 years with Warburg Pincus (one of the largest American Private Equity funds), he co-founded the Sagard mid-market Private Equity fund (€2,000m under management) in 2001, with the support of the Paul Desmarais (Groupe Power Corporation of Canada) and Albert Frère (Groupe GBL) families, and was its Managing Director until the end of 2019.

Following his departure from Sagard, Frédéric Stolar turned his attention to launching a digital fintech offering the best of institutional private equity to individual clients. To ensure the success of this project, he chose to join forces with Altaroc Partners, a management company founded in 1972 by Maurice Tchenio, one of the pioneers of European private equity. In addition to his role as founder ofApaxMaurice Tchenio has been working since 1995 to bring professional-quality private equity to individual investors via the stock market, through Altamir.

The digital fintech project takes shape today with the launch ofAltarocan offering that gives private investors access to the best in global Private Equity from as little as €100,000!

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