Odyssey 2022

465 milioni di euro raccolti per la seconda annata della gamma Odyssey
\chiusura tra
\chiuso dal
Ipotesi di rendimento
Al netto di tutti i costi, in media sui cicli economici
>13% all'anno
1,7x l'impegno
L'investimento in private equity comporta dei rischi, soprattutto in termini di liquidità e di perdita di capitale.
Gli scenari presentati sono una stima della performance futura basata sui dati passati relativi alle variazioni del valore di questo investimento e/o alle condizioni attuali; non sono un indicatore esatto. I risultati ottenuti dipendono dall'andamento del mercato e dalla durata dell'investimento o del prodotto. La performance futura è soggetta alle imposte, che dipendono dalla situazione personale di ciascun investitore e possono cambiare in futuro. L'investimento può comportare una perdita finanziaria, poiché non vi è alcuna garanzia di capitale.

Scoprire Odyssey 2022

Odyssey 2022
Presentazione dell'annata Odyssey 2022
L'annata Odyssey 2022 ha raccolto un totale di 465 milioni di euro in 12 mesi.
Gli importi sono stati assegnati a 6 fondi di primari gestori internazionali e sono già stati effettuati 3 coinvestimenti insieme a questi.

allocazione offre un'efficace diversificazione tra i settori e le aree geografiche preferite da Altaroc Partners.

I punti chiave di Millésime 2022

465 milioni di euro
periodo di commercializzazione
Dal 01/02/2022 al 30/03/2023
10 anni
Assicurazione vita Lussemburgo
Idoneo all'assicurazione vita lussemburghese
sottoscrizione minima
100 000€
Classificazione SSRI
Articolo 8
Commissioni di performance
20% esclusivamente sui coinvestimenti
Spese di gestione
Dal 2,5% all'1,65% all'anno, in funzione dell'importo sottoscritto dall'investitore
Primo closing
31 maggio 2022
Investimento di Altamir
40 milioni di euro
chiusura finale
31 marzo 2023
La gamma Odyssey è disponibile per i clienti professionali per natura o dimensione (secondo la definizione della MiFID2) e per gli investitori individuali con capacità di investimento di 100.000 euro, a condizione che le loro esigenze siano adeguate al prodotto e al periodo di investimento.

Questa è una comunicazione di marketing. Si prega di consultare la documentazione regolamentare del fondo e il documento contenente le informazioni chiave (KID) prima di prendere qualsiasi decisione di investimento. Una sintesi dei diritti degli investitori è contenuta nel KID, disponibile nella nostra libreria di documenti.

L'investimento in private equity comporta dei rischi, in particolare la liquidità e la perdita di capitale. Per conoscere tutti i rischi associati al private equity, consultare la pagina Performance e rischi del private equity.

Il portafoglio
Odyssey 2022

Obiettivo di composizione dell'annata di 465 milioni di euro
80% o 372 milioni di euro investiti in fondi del primo quartile
20% o 93 milioni di euro in co-investimento
Nord America
Asia e resto del mondo
Tecnologia e telecomunicazioni
Servizi digitali
Consumi digitali
Questa sarà la leggenda
Questa sarà la leggenda
Questa sarà la leggenda
Composizione target dell'annata da 500 milioni di euro
80% o 400 milioni di euro investiti in fondi del primo quartile
20% o 100 milioni di euro in co-investimento

372 milioni di euro già impegnati in 7 fondi internazionali

80% investito attraverso gestori selezionati, ovvero 372M€
La porzione di fondi dell'annata Altaroc Odyssey 2022 è interamente impegnata in 7 fondi: Hg Saturn 3 e Hg Genesis 10, due fondi Buy-Out gestiti da Hg, il principale gestore di fondi software in Europa; Apax XI, un fondo Buy-Out leader con copertura geografica globale; Bridgepoint Europe VII, un fondo Buy-Out paneuropeo leader; Cressey VII, un fondo specializzato nel settore sanitario statunitense; e altri due fondi specializzati in società di software statunitensi: STG VII, un fondo con strategia value, e Accel KKR Buy-Out VII, un fondo orientato alla crescita.

L'investimento in private equity comporta rischi di perdita di capitale e di liquidità. Le performance passate non sono garanzia di risultati futuri.
Cressey & Company
41.88499948961384, -87.63628214565281
Cressey & Company

Cressey & Company

i fondi
Fondo Cressey VII
Informazioni sul manager
anno di creazione
Patrimonio in gestione
3 miliardi di euro
+ 45 persone
37.45582541522596, -122.1854168679586


i fondi
Informazioni sul manager
anno di creazione
Patrimonio in gestione
5 miliardi di euro
+60 persone
37.42315075671345, -122.1985055029838


i fondi
Acquisto di Accel-KKR VII
Informazioni sul manager
anno di creazione
Patrimonio in gestione
15 miliardi di euro
100+ persone

42,2 milioni già investiti in 3 società

20% investito, ovvero
La quota di coinvestimento di Altaroc Odyssey 2022 è stata finora destinata a 5 coinvestimenti: 2 co-investimenti a fianco di Hg in 2 società di software, un co-investimento a fianco diApax in una piattaforma di servizi domestici in franchising in Nord America, un co-investimento a fianco di Bridgepoint in un'operazione di carve-out dell'attività di gestione immobiliare del gruppo Nexity in Francia e infine un co-investimento sta per essere effettuato a fianco di Nordic Capital in una società farmaceutica internazionale.

Gli investimenti di private equity comportano rischi di perdita di capitale e di liquidità. Le performance passate non sono garanzia di risultati futuri.
Da non perdere
Fondata nel 1993 negli Stati Uniti, ThoughWorks è un'azienda leader nella trasformazione digitale e nello sviluppo di software che aiuta i propri clienti a risolvere problemi tecnologici complessi.
Nord America
Tecnologia e software
Forte crescita
Adevinta è una società norvegese quotata in borsa e specializzata nella distribuzione di annunci vari.
Tecnologia e software
Evoriel (ex-Nexity ADB)
Evoriel (ex-Nexity ADB)
Da non perdere
Nexity ADB è l'ex divisione "Servizi alle persone" del gruppo immobiliare Nexity, che si concentra sulla gestione dei condomini e sulle locazioni.
Servizi B2B
Da non perdere
IFS è il principale fornitore di software ERP per le aziende industriali di tutto il mondo.
Tecnologia e software
Marchi di autorità
Marchi di autorità
Forte crescita
Authority Brands è il principale franchisor di servizi per la casa in Nord America. Un marchio leader, che offre di tutto, dall'assistenza agli anziani alla manutenzione delle piscine e alla disinfestazione degli ambienti esterni.
Nord America
Servizi B2B
Il Gruppo Access
Il Gruppo Access
Access è un fornitore leader di software aziendale per le medie imprese del Regno Unito e dell'Asia-Pacifico.
Tecnologia e software
Da non perdere
Howden è un gruppo leader nel brokeraggio assicurativo, che opera su tutta la catena del valore (assicurazione, riassicurazione, brokeraggio, consulenza, ecc.).
Servizi B2B

Aziende dell'annata Odissea 2022

Investendo in Odyssey Vintages, i nostri clienti sostengono aziende in crescita ai quattro angoli del mondo, posizionate nei settori del futuro.
Scoprite i #Licorni francesi e internazionali che compongono le nostre annate eccezionali. Scoprite anche le nostre #AltaCrescitache stanno sconvolgendo i loro mercati attraverso #innovativo. I nostri portafogli sono costruiti anche intorno a società che sono #must-have che sicuramente conoscerete e che sono riconosciute per il loro #impatto positivo. #impattopositivo sul mondo.
OCS / Finwave
OCS / Finwave
La fusione di OCS e Finwave (una scissione di Lutech, di proprietà del fondo Apax X LP) ha reso il gruppo uno dei principali operatori europei nel settore del software finanziario.
Tecnologia e software
Da non perdere
Vivacy è un leader in rapida crescita nel settore dei filler dermici iniettabili a base di acido ialuronico. I suoi prodotti, esportati in oltre 85 Paesi, sono utilizzati in procedure mediche estetiche non invasive per attenuare visibilmente le rughe o aggiungere volume.
Gruppo PEI
Gruppo PEI
Forte crescita
PEI è un gruppo leader nei servizi di informazione che copre il mercato globale degli asset alternativi, tra cui immobili, infrastrutture, private equity e private debt.
Servizi B2B
MiQ è un leader mondiale nell'ottimizzazione delle campagne pubblicitarie e collabora con diversi specialisti di marketing e agenzie.
Tecnologia e software
Palex Medical è un'impresa spagnola che distribuisce attrezzature e soluzioni ospedaliere per oltre 40 specialità mediche.
Ideagen è un leader mondiale nel software di compliance per i settori regolamentati.
Tecnologia e software
Il Gruppo Access
Il Gruppo Access
Access è un fornitore leader di software aziendale per le medie imprese del Regno Unito e dell'Asia-Pacifico.
Tecnologia e software
Da non perdere
IFS è il principale fornitore di software ERP per le aziende industriali di tutto il mondo.
Tecnologia e software
Da non perdere
RoC è un marchio cosmetico francese iconico, specializzato in trattamenti anti-età per la pelle.
Evoriel (ex-Nexity ADB)
Evoriel (ex-Nexity ADB)
Da non perdere
Nexity ADB è l'ex divisione "Servizi alle persone" del gruppo immobiliare Nexity, che si concentra sulla gestione dei condomini e sulle locazioni.
Servizi B2B
Relazioni con gli investitori
4 report finanziari
e 1 report ESG all'anno
Ogni trimestre, Altaroc mette a disposizione dei propri investitori un report finanziario completo sulle novità e sulle performance dei propri Vintage.
Questi report forniscono informazioni sulla valutazione, sugli ingressi e sulle uscite dal portafoglio, nonché notizie sulle società che sosteniamo.
Report n. 1
31 marzo
Report n. 2
31 maggio
Report n. 3
30 settembre.
Report n. 4
30 novembre
Report ESG
31 dicembre
La vita dell'investitore presso Altaroc
I Vintage Odyssey sono stati concepiti per rispondere alle esigenze specifiche dei clienti privati.

Sottoscrizione semplice e al 100% digitale, sistema semplificato di richiami di capitale e monitoraggio dell'andamento dei Vintage e delle notizie riguardanti le società sottostanti: tutto è stato pensato per offrire un'esperienza fluida e positiva sia ai nostri investitori che ai loro consulenti.
Perché offrire le gamme Vintage?
Perché le annate di Odyssey vengono distribuite così rapidamente?
Perché rivolgersi solo ai settori della tecnologia, della sanità, dei servizi B2B e del consumo digitale?
Tutte le annate Odyssey saranno simili?
Scoperta FCPR
Odyssey 2024
Altalife 2023
Odyssey 2022
Odyssey 2021
Odyssey 2023
Thoma Bravo
Summit Partners
New Mountain Capital
Main Capital
Cressey & Company
TA Associates
Five Arrows
Nordic Capital
Insight Partners
General Atlantic
8 secondi per mostrarvi le informazioni più rilevanti sul nostro sito web
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Regno Unito
Paesi Bassi
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Termini e condizioni generali

This website, as well as all the information presented herein, is governed by French regulations. Certain jurisdictions prohibit or restrict access to this site. Therefore, please ensure that you are legally authorized to access it from the country where the connection is established.

This site presents information about the Funds managed or marketed by Altaroc Partners S.A. Such information does not constitute an offer, solicitation, investment advice, or recommendation to buy or sell financial products.

The Funds presented on our website cannot be subscribed to in any jurisdiction where their marketing has not been previously authorized.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our Funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss.

Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision. If you are interested in any of the Funds presented on this website, we advise you to ensure beforehand that you are legally permitted to subscribe to them.

This website allows you to view information only about Funds that are subject to a public offering in the selected country. This website is not intended for individuals subject to a jurisdiction where the publication or access to the website is prohibited due to their nationality or place of residence. Individuals accessing the website acknowledge that they are solely responsible for complying with the laws and regulations applicable in their country of residence and/or nationality.

This website is an informational site aimed at presenting the portfolio management activities of Altaroc Partners S.A., as well as the main characteristics of its Funds and services. No information or opinion expressed on this website constitutes a solicitation, offer, or recommendation to buy, sell, or transfer an investment, engage in any other transaction, or provide investment advice or services.

Before making any investment in a Fund, which by nature carries a risk of capital loss, we invite you to consult an investment advisor and review the Key Information Document (KID), the prospectus, and any additional information available on this website. A paper version may be requested from any authorized distributor or from the Management Company. These documents will be provided free of charge at any time upon simple request.

Please note that the information and documents available do not take into account your personal investment objectives, strategy, tax status, risk appetite, or investment horizon. Consult your personal advisor for investment advice.

Altaroc Partners S.A. reserves the right to modify the content at its discretion and without prior notice.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our Funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss. Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision.

This website is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or for "U.S. Persons" as defined in "Regulation S" under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. None of the Funds presented herein may be offered or sold directly or indirectly in the United States of America to residents and citizens of the United States of America or to "U.S. Persons."

By choosing to access our website, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these Terms and confirm that you are accessing this website in compliance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction or country in which you reside.

Ce site, ainsi que toutes les informations qui y sont présentées, sont régis par la réglementation française. Certaines législations interdisent ou restreignent l’accès à ce site. Nous vous prions, par conséquent, de vous assurer que vous êtes légalement autorisés à vous y connecter dans le pays à partir duquel la connexion est établie.

Ce site présente les informations relatives aux Fonds gérés ou commercialisés par Altaroc Partners S.A. Elles ne constituent en aucun cas une offre, une sollicitation, ou un conseil en investissement, ni une recommandation d'achat ou de vente de produits financiers.

Les Fonds présentés sur notre site Internet ne peuvent être souscrits dans l’Etat dans lequel leur commercialisation n’a pas été préalablement autorisée.

Il est rappelé aux investisseurs que les performances passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures et ne sont pas constantes dans le temps. Nos Fonds n’offrent aucune garantie de rendement ou de performance et présentent un risque de perte en capital.

Les performances passées ne doivent pas être l’élément central de votre décision d’investissement.

Si vous êtes intéressés par l’un des Fonds présentés sur ce site, nous vous conseillons de vous assurer préalablement que vous êtes juridiquement autorisés à y souscrire.

Ce site vous permet de consulter uniquement les informations relatives aux Fonds qui font l’objet d’une offre publique dans le pays sélectionné. Ce site Internet ne s'adresse pas aux personnes relevant d'une juridiction dans laquelle la publication du site Internet ou son accès est interdit(e) en raison de leur nationalité ou de leur lieu de résidence. Les personnes accédant au site Internet savent qu'elles sont seules responsables du respect des lois et réglementations applicables dans leur pays de résidence et/ou de nationalité.

Ce site est un site d'information dont l'objectif est de présenter l'activité de gestion de portefeuille d’Altaroc Partners S.A. ainsi que les principales caractéristiques de ses Fonds et services. Aucune information ou opinion exprimée sur le site web ne constitue une sollicitation, une offre ou une recommandation d'acheter, de vendre ou de céder un investissement, de s'engager dans une autre transaction ou de fournir un conseil ou un service en matière d'investissement.

Avant tout investissement dans un Fonds, qui par nature présente un risque de perte du capital investi, nous vous invitons à consulter un conseiller en investissement et à consulter le Document d’Information Clé (DIC) et le prospectus ainsi que toute autre information supplémentaire, qui sont disponibles sur ce site internet. Une version papier peut être demandée auprès de tout distributeur autorisé ou auprès de la Société de Gestion. Ces documents seront fournis sans frais et à tout moment sur simple demande.

Veuillez noter que les informations et documents disponibles ne tiennent pas compte de vos objectifs d'investissement personnels, de votre stratégie, de votre statut fiscal, de votre appétit pour le risque ou de votre horizon d’investissement. Consultez votre conseiller personnel pour obtenir des conseils sur vos investissements.

Altaroc Partners S.A. se réserve la possibilité de modifier le contenu de façon discrétionnaire et sans préavis.

Il est rappelé aux investisseurs que les performances passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures et ne sont pas constantes dans le temps. Nos Fonds n’offrent aucune garantie de rendement ou de performance et présentent un risque de perte en capital. Les performances passées ne doivent pas être l’élément central de votre décision d’investissement.

Ce site Internet n'est pas destiné aux citoyens ou résidents des États-Unis d'Amérique ou à des «U.S. Persons» tel que ce terme est défini dans le «Regulation S» de la loi américaine de 1933 sur les valeurs mobilières. Aucun Fonds présenté ici ne peut être proposé ou vendu directement ou indirectement aux États-Unis d'Amérique à des résidents et citoyens des États-Unis d'Amérique et à des «U.S. Persons».

En choisissant d’accéder à notre site, vous reconnaissez avoir pris connaissance de ces Conditions et les avoir acceptées et vous confirmez que vous accédez à ce site Internet conformément aux lois et réglementations de la juridiction ou du pays dans lequel vous résidez.

This website, along with all the information presented herein, is governed by French regulations. Certain jurisdictions prohibit or restrict access to this website. Therefore, we kindly ask you to ensure that you are legally authorized to access it from the country where the connection is established.

This website provides information about the Funds managed or marketed by Altaroc Partners S.A. Such information does not constitute an offer, solicitation, investment advice, or a recommendation to buy or sell financial products.

The Funds presented on our website cannot be subscribed to in any jurisdiction where their marketing has not been previously authorized.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our Funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss.

Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision. If you are interested in any of the Funds presented on this website, we advise you to first ensure that you are legally permitted to subscribe to them.

This website allows you to access information only about Funds that are subject to a public offering in the selected country. This website is not intended for individuals subject to jurisdictions where the publication or access to the website is prohibited due to their nationality or place of residence. Individuals accessing the website acknowledge that they are solely responsible for complying with the laws and regulations applicable in their country of residence and/or nationality.

Before making any investment in a Fund, which by nature carries a risk of capital loss, we invite you to consult an investment advisor and review the Key Information Document (KID), the prospectus, and any additional information, which are available on this website. A paper version can be requested from any authorized distributor or from the Swiss Representative: 3Altasuisse SA - Rue François-Versonnex 7, 1204 Geneva (Switzerland). These documents will be provided free of charge upon simple request at any time.

The distribution of the Funds mentioned on this website in Switzerland is subject to the jurisdiction of Altaroc Partners S.A., whose registered office is located at 61 Rue des Belles Feuilles, 75016 Paris (France).

This website is an informational site aimed at presenting the portfolio management activities of Altaroc Partners S.A., as well as the main characteristics of its Funds and services. This website is not transactional.

Altaroc Partners S.A. reserves the right to modify the content at its discretion and without prior notice.

The subscription of shares or units in a Fund may involve risks. The net asset value of the Fund may increase or decrease depending on market fluctuations, and it is possible that investors may not recover the entirety of their invested capital. Furthermore, before any transaction, investors should:

• review the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the prospectus of each Fund to understand the exact nature of the selected vehicles, their main characteristics, and the associated risks; and

• ensure that the selected vehicles are suitable for their financial situation, investment objectives, and the risks they are willing to accept.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our investment funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss. Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision.

This website is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or for "U.S. Persons" as defined in "Regulation S" under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. None of the Funds presented herein may be offered or sold directly or indirectly in the United States of America to residents and citizens of the United States of America or to "U.S. Persons."

By choosing to access our website, you certify that you are a qualified investor domiciled in Switzerland and have read, understood, and accepted the legal conditions below. The information contained in the following pages relates only to the Funds managed by Altaroc Partners S.A. that are approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) for distribution in Switzerland, in accordance with Articles 119 et seq. of the Federal Act of 23 June 2006 on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA). Therefore, the information contained in the following pages is intended for "qualified investors" as defined in Art. 10, para. 3, let. c, d, para. 3bis, and FINMA Circular 13/9 No. 19.

This website, along with all the information presented herein, is governed by French regulations. Certain jurisdictions prohibit or restrict access to this website. Therefore, we kindly ask you to ensure that you are legally authorized to access it from the country where the connection is established.

This website provides information about the Funds managed or marketed by Altaroc Partners S.A. Such information does not constitute an offer, solicitation, investment advice, or a recommendation to buy or sell financial products.

The Funds presented on our website cannot be subscribed to in any jurisdiction where their marketing has not been previously authorized.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our Funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss.

Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision. If you are interested in any of the Funds presented on this website, we advise you to first ensure that you are legally permitted to subscribe to them.

This website allows you to access information only about Funds that are subject to a public offering in the selected country. This website is not intended for individuals subject to jurisdictions where the publication or access to the website is prohibited due to their nationality or place of residence. Individuals accessing the website acknowledge that they are solely responsible for complying with the laws and regulations applicable in their country of residence and/or nationality.

Before making any investment in a Fund, which by nature carries a risk of capital loss, we invite you to consult an investment advisor and review the Key Information Document (KID), the prospectus, and any additional information, which are available on this website. A paper version can be requested from any authorized distributor or from the Swiss Representative: 3Altasuisse SA - Rue François-Versonnex 7, 1204 Geneva (Switzerland). These documents will be provided free of charge upon simple request at any time.

The distribution of the Funds mentioned on this website in Switzerland is subject to the jurisdiction of Altaroc Partners S.A., whose registered office is located at 61 Rue des Belles Feuilles, 75016 Paris (France).

This website is an informational site aimed at presenting the portfolio management activities of Altaroc Partners S.A., as well as the main characteristics of its Funds and services. This website is not transactional.

Altaroc Partners S.A. reserves the right to modify the content at its discretion and without prior notice.

The subscription of shares or units in a Fund may involve risks. The net asset value of the Fund may increase or decrease depending on market fluctuations, and it is possible that investors may not recover the entirety of their invested capital. Furthermore, before any transaction, investors should:

• review the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the prospectus of each Fund to understand the exact nature of the selected vehicles, their main characteristics, and the associated risks; and

• ensure that the selected vehicles are suitable for their financial situation, investment objectives, and the risks they are willing to accept.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our investment funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss. Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision.

This website is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or for "U.S. Persons" as defined in "Regulation S" under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. None of the Funds presented herein may be offered or sold directly or indirectly in the United States of America to residents and citizens of the United States of America or to "U.S. Persons."

By choosing to access our website, you certify that you are a qualified investor domiciled in Switzerland and have read, understood, and accepted the legal conditions below. The information contained in the following pages relates only to the Funds managed by Altaroc Partners S.A. that are approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) for distribution in Switzerland, in accordance with Articles 119 et seq. of the Federal Act of 23 June 2006 on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA). Therefore, the information contained in the following pages is intended for "qualified investors" as defined in Art. 10, para. 3, let. c, d, para. 3bis, and FINMA Circular 13/9 No. 19.

This website, along with all the information presented herein, is governed by French regulations. Certain jurisdictions prohibit or restrict access to this website. Therefore, we kindly ask you to ensure that you are legally authorized to access it from the country where the connection is established.

This website provides information about the Funds managed or marketed by Altaroc Partners S.A. Such information does not constitute an offer, solicitation, investment advice, or a recommendation to buy or sell financial products.

The Funds presented on our website cannot be subscribed to in any jurisdiction where their marketing has not been previously authorized.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our Funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss.

Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision. If you are interested in any of the Funds presented on this website, we advise you to first ensure that you are legally permitted to subscribe to them.

This website allows you to access information only about Funds that are subject to a public offering in the selected country. This website is not intended for individuals subject to jurisdictions where the publication or access to the website is prohibited due to their nationality or place of residence. Individuals accessing the website acknowledge that they are solely responsible for complying with the laws and regulations applicable in their country of residence and/or nationality.

Before making any investment in a Fund, which by nature carries a risk of capital loss, we invite you to consult an investment advisor and review the Key Information Document (KID), the prospectus, and any additional information, which are available on this website. A paper version can be requested from any authorized distributor or from the Swiss Representative: 3Altasuisse SA - Rue François-Versonnex 7, 1204 Geneva (Switzerland). These documents will be provided free of charge upon simple request at any time.

The distribution of the Funds mentioned on this website in Switzerland is subject to the jurisdiction of Altaroc Partners S.A., whose registered office is located at 61 Rue des Belles Feuilles, 75016 Paris (France).

This website is an informational site aimed at presenting the portfolio management activities of Altaroc Partners S.A., as well as the main characteristics of its Funds and services. This website is not transactional.

Altaroc Partners S.A. reserves the right to modify the content at its discretion and without prior notice.

The subscription of shares or units in a Fund may involve risks. The net asset value of the Fund may increase or decrease depending on market fluctuations, and it is possible that investors may not recover the entirety of their invested capital. Furthermore, before any transaction, investors should:

• review the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the prospectus of each Fund to understand the exact nature of the selected vehicles, their main characteristics, and the associated risks; and

• ensure that the selected vehicles are suitable for their financial situation, investment objectives, and the risks they are willing to accept.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not consistent over time. Our investment funds do not offer any guarantee of return or performance and involve a risk of capital loss. Past performance should not be the central factor in your investment decision.

This website is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or for "U.S. Persons" as defined in "Regulation S" under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. None of the Funds presented herein may be offered or sold directly or indirectly in the United States of America to residents and citizens of the United States of America or to "U.S. Persons."

By choosing to access our website, you certify that you are a qualified investor domiciled in Switzerland and have read, understood, and accepted the legal conditions below. The information contained in the following pages relates only to the Funds managed by Altaroc Partners S.A. that are approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) for distribution in Switzerland, in accordance with Articles 119 et seq. of the Federal Act of 23 June 2006 on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA). Therefore, the information contained in the following pages is intended for "qualified investors" as defined in Art. 10, para. 3, let. c, d, para. 3bis, and FINMA Circular 13/9 No. 19.

Ce site, ainsi que toutes les informations qui y sont présentées, sont régis par la réglementation française. Certaines législations interdisent ou restreignent l’accès à ce site. Nous vous prions, par conséquent, de vous assurer que vous êtes légalement autorisés à vous y connecter dans le pays à partir duquel la connexion est établie.

Ce site présente les informations relatives aux Fonds gérés ou commercialisés par Altaroc Partners S.A. Elles ne constituent en aucun cas une offre, une sollicitation, ou un conseil en investissement, ni une recommandation d'achat ou de vente de produits financiers.

Les Fonds présentés sur notre site Internet ne peuvent être souscrits dans l’Etat dans lequel leur commercialisation n’a pas été préalablement autorisée.

Il est rappelé aux investisseurs que les performances passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures et ne sont pas constantes dans le temps. Nos Fonds n’offrent aucune garantie de rendement ou de performance et présentent un risque de perte en capital.

Les performances passées ne doivent pas être l’élément central de votre décision d’investissement.

Si vous êtes intéressés par l’un des Fonds présentés sur ce site, nous vous conseillons de vous assurer préalablement que vous êtes juridiquement autorisés à y souscrire.

Ce site vous permet de consulter uniquement les informations relatives aux Fonds qui font l’objet d’une offre publique dans le pays sélectionné. Ce site Internet ne s'adresse pas aux personnes relevant d'une juridiction dans laquelle la publication du site Internet ou son accès est interdit(e) en raison de leur nationalité ou de leur lieu de résidence. Les personnes accédant au site Internet savent qu'elles sont seules responsables du respect des lois et réglementations applicables dans leur pays de résidence et/ou de nationalité.

Avant tout investissement dans un Fonds, qui par nature présente un risque de perte du capital investi, nous vous invitons à consulter un conseiller en investissement et à consulter le Document d’Information Clé (DIC) et le prospectus ainsi que toute autre information supplémentaire, qui sont disponibles sur ce site internet. Une version papier peut être demandée auprès de tout distributeur autorisé ou auprès du Représentant en Suisse : 3Altasuisse SA - Rue François-Versonnex 7 1204 GENÈVE (Suisse).

Ces documents seront fournis sans frais et à tout moment sur simple demande.

La distribution en Suisse des Fonds mentionnés sur le présent site Internet relève de la juridiction du siège social d’Altaroc Partners S.A., situé au 61 rue des Belles Feuilles

75016 PARIS (France).

Ce site est un site d'information dont l'objectif est de présenter l'activité de gestion de portefeuille d’Altaroc Partners S.A. ainsi que les principales caractéristiques de ses Fonds et services. Ce site n’est pas un site transactionnel.

Altaroc Partners S.A. se réserve la possibilité de modifier le contenu de façon discrétionnaire et sans préavis.

La souscription de parts ou d'actions d'un Fonds peut comporter des risques. La valeur nette d'inventaire du fonds peut augmenter ou diminuer en fonction des fluctuations du marché et il est possible que les investisseurs ne récupèrent pas l'intégralité du capital investi. Par ailleurs, avant toute transaction, les investisseurs doivent :

- consulter le Document d'information clé pour l'investisseur et le prospectus de chaque Fonds afin de connaître la nature exacte des véhicules choisis, leurs principales caractéristiques et les risques encourus ; et

- s'assurer que les véhicules choisis sont adaptés à leur situation financière, à leurs objectifs d'investissement et aux risques qu'ils sont prêts à accepter.

Il est rappelé aux investisseurs que les performances passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures et ne sont pas constantes dans le temps. Nos OPC n’offrent aucune garantie de rendement ou de performance et présentent un risque de perte en capital. Elles ne doivent pas être l’élément central de votre décision d’investissement.

Ce site Internet n'est pas destiné aux citoyens ou résidents des États-Unis d'Amérique ou à des «U.S. Persons» tel que ce terme est défini dans le «Regulation S» de la loi américaine de 1933 sur les valeurs mobilières. Aucun Fonds présenté ici ne peut être proposé ou vendu directement ou indirectement aux États-Unis d'Amérique à des résidents et citoyens des États-Unis d'Amérique et à des «U.S. Persons».

En choisissant d’accéder à notre site, vous certifiez être un investisseur qualifié domicilié en Suisse et avoir lu, compris et accepté les conditions légales ci-dessous. Les informations contenues dans les pages suivantes se rapportent uniquement aux Fonds gérés par Altaroc Partners S.A ., approuvés par l'Autorité fédérale de surveillance des marchés financiers (FINMA) à des fins de distribution en Suisse, conformément aux Articles 119 et suivants de la Loi fédérale du 23 juin 2006 sur les placements collectifs de capitaux (LPCC). Par conséquent, les informations contenues dans les pages suivantes sont destinées aux « investisseurs qualifiés » au sens de l'Art. 10, al. 3, let. c, d, al. 3bis et de la Circulaire 13/9 N° 19 de la FINMA.

This website allows you to consult only the information related to the Funds that are subject to a public offering in the selected country. This website is not intended for individuals subject to jurisdictions where the publication or access to the website is prohibited due to their nationality or place of residence. Individuals accessing the website acknowledge that they are solely responsible for complying with the laws and regulations applicable in their country of residence and/or nationality.

This website is an informational platform designed to present the portfolio management activities of Altaroc Partners S.A., as well as the main characteristics of its Funds and services. No information or opinion expressed on this website constitutes a solicitation, an offer, or a recommendation to buy, sell, or transfer an investment, to engage in any other transaction, or to provide investment advice or services.

Before investing in a Fund, which by nature involves a risk of loss of the invested capital, we invite you to consult an investment advisor and to review the Key Information Document (KID), the prospectus, and any other supplementary information available on this website. A paper version can be requested from any authorized distributor or directly from the Management Company. These documents will be provided free of charge at any time upon request.

Please note that the information and documents provided do not take into account your personal investment objectives, strategy, tax status, risk appetite, or investment horizon. We recommend consulting your personal advisor for tailored investment advice.

Altaroc Partners S.A. reserves the right to modify the content of this website at its sole discretion and without prior notice.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not indicative of future results and is not constant over time. Our Funds do not offer any guarantee of returns or performance and involve a risk of capital loss. Past performance should not be the primary factor in your investment decision.

This website is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or “U.S. Persons” as defined under “Regulation S” of the United States Securities Act of 1933. None of the Funds presented herein may be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, in the United States of America, to residents or citizens of the United States of America, or to “U.S. Persons.”

By choosing to access our website, you acknowledge having read and accepted these Terms and confirm that you are accessing this website in compliance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction or country in which you reside.

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